The Simple Life - Nutrition

The Simple Life - Nutrition

Why should you simplify? Life, in general, is so complicated. Between schedules, families, activities, and obligations, we are pulled in multiple directions all day long. In order to maintain some level of sanity (whatever that means!), simplifying certain areas of our life provides us with calm, predictable stability.

First, we will start with nutrition. There are as many diet recommendations as there are cereal varieties (aka: a lot). Let’s go back to basics. Let’s go back to preparing and enjoying real food.

The Simple Life (Part One - Intro)

The Simple Life (Part One - Intro)

Merriam-Webster defines minimalism as: “A style or technique (as in music, literature, or design) that is characterized by extreme sparseness and simplicity.”. Minimalism as a lifestyle has been gaining popularity over the last decade, with many shows, podcasts, groups, and challenges on Social Media. Like any other trend, it has its good and bad points. Overall, though, simplifying key areas of your life can have a positive impact on your physical, mental, and emotional health.

You Are Not Your Diagnosis

You Are Not Your Diagnosis

Little is scarier than finding yourself sitting in a cold doctor’s office, biting your fingernails, stomach in knots, waiting for your diagnosis. Per usual, the doctor walks in the room 25 minutes behind schedule, plops his butt on the swivel chair with no arms, and informs you that you have _____ (insert medical diagnosis with a long name you can’t pronounce and have never even heard of before).he stroke pattern demonstrated in the diagram to the right. It is best to follow dry skin brushing with a shower.

Dry Skin Brushing

Dry Skin Brushing

Did you know that the skin is the largest and fastest growing organ in the body? Responsible for detoxification and protection of internal structures, it deserves a little extra love! From ancient Egyptians to Native Americans, dry skin brushing has been utilized to support health for centuries. The technique requires a firm bristle brush, small, gentle strokes, and 3 minutes per day. Beginning at the feet and working up toward the head, follow the stroke pattern demonstrated in the diagram to the right. It is best to follow dry skin brushing with a shower.

Dog Days

Dog Days

It seems the dog days of summer are coming to an end. What better time to talk about why you should consider making every day a dog day.

Do you have that friend who constantly talks about their dog. They have hundreds of pics on their phone of them sleeping and doing silly dog things. Can you relate to that? Or does it totally baffle you on how someone could be so obsessed with a hairy, slobbery, farting beast?

Box Breathing

Box Breathing

Are you sleeping through the night? The answer is likely no. Even if you’re in bed for the adequate eight to ten hours, it’s likely that you’re not sleeping the entire time. Some of you have a hard time falling asleep, some have a hard time staying asleep, and some struggle with both. Melatonin is the hormone your body uses to fall asleep, but it doesn’t keep you asleep. So if you’re popping a cap of melatonin before you hit the pillow each night and can’t figure out why you’re waking up 3 hours later, it’s because melatonin doesn’t keep you asleep.

Your Body on Sleep

Your Body on Sleep

Are you sleeping through the night? The answer is likely no. Even if you’re in bed for the adequate eight to ten hours, it’s likely that you’re not sleeping the entire time. Some of you have a hard time falling asleep, some have a hard time staying asleep, and some struggle with both. Melatonin is the hormone your body uses to fall asleep, but it doesn’t keep you asleep. So if you’re popping a cap of melatonin before you hit the pillow each night and can’t figure out why you’re waking up 3 hours later, it’s because melatonin doesn’t keep you asleep.

10 Steps to Deeper Sleep

10 Steps to Deeper Sleep

Are you sleeping through the night? The answer is likely no. Even if you’re in bed for the adequate eight to ten hours, it’s likely that you’re not sleeping the entire time. Some of you have a hard time falling asleep, some have a hard time staying asleep, and some struggle with both. Melatonin is the hormone your body uses to fall asleep, but it doesn’t keep you asleep. So if you’re popping a cap of melatonin before you hit the pillow each night and can’t figure out why you’re waking up 3 hours later, it’s because melatonin doesn’t keep you asleep.