What is Naturopathic Medicine?

Naturopathic medicine is a distinct entity in the world of medicine, focusing on individualized healthcare, seeing each person as different from the next. You have a story to tell, and your story is different from anyone else suffering from even similar dis-ease. Your story deserves to be heard. Dr. Morris listens with a purpose and the goal of identifying the root-cause of your dis-ease, not only on a physical level, but also mental and spiritual. Naturopathic doctors focus on prevention and healing through modalities such as lifestyle modification, nutrition, botanicals, and homeopathy.  


6 Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

1. Prevention

Create a vital being by supporting the foundations of one’s health, leading to greater vitality and dis-ease prevention.

2. Identify and Treat the Cause

Look beyond the symptoms to target the root-cause of dis-ease in the body.

3. Treat the Whole Person

View the body and the person as an integrated being; physically, mentally, and spiritually.  


4. Do No Harm

Utilize the most natural and least invasive modalities and substances that encourage the body to obtain optimal vitality and homeostasis.

5. Healing Power of Nature

Trust in the body’s innate wisdom and ability to heal itself.

6. Doctor As Teacher

Educate and empower clients to make informed decisions that lead to vitality and overall wellness. Dr. Morris is most passionate about this principle!


“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.”

- Alexander Den heijer


The Therapeutic Order

The example Dr. Morris likes to use is that of a house. If the foundation is crumbling and the walls are cracking, you can temporarily fix the walls, but the house is still going to fall down. The temporary fix is similar to using a pharmaceutical drug, and even some nutritional supplements. When you repair the foundation of the house you can more effectively repair the walls, and with much less effort. What are the foundations of health you question; nutrition, exercise, spirituality, relationships, happiness, the core of who you are as an individual.  

Dr. Morris focuses her work on the bottom third of the triangle.

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Physician Licensing

Naturopathic doctors are trained as Primary Care Physicians (PCP) that are licensed in many states to utilize conventional modalities such as IV therapy, pharmaceuticals, minor surgery, physical medicine, and naturopathic modalities such as nutrition, lifestyle modification, botanical medicine and homeopathy.

Naturopathic Doctors in the state of Michigan are not licensed, and therefore only recommend naturopathic modalities. To learn more about licensing efforts in the state of Michigan and join as a supporter, please visit the MANP. Due to the current political climate in the state of Michigan, Dr. Morris is not legally permitted to diagnose or treat any condition. Her recommendations are purely based on peer reviewed research and the knowledge she has obtained through her education and elders in the naturopathic community. Please consult with your licensed health care provider before making changes to your current healthcare regimen. Dr. Morris has passed her national licensing exams and is in the application process of obtaining a medical license in the state of Oregon.