Health Coaching

Work With Health Coach Mindy

One-on-one Coaching: $1,299 FOR AN 8 WEEK COMMITMENT

Food Intolerance Evaluation

We all have food intolerances, most of us just don't know it. As the saying goes, "One man's food is another man's poison." Foods that are deemed healthy might not be the best choice for your individual body. Removing one's food intolerances provides an immediate reduction of toxicity in the body. We identify your specific intolerance(s) through the Carroll Food Intolerance Evaluation, a traditional naturopathic method.

Nutrition 101 + Weekly recipes specific to Your intolerances

Learn how to read labels, what additives to avoid, and how to put together simple meals.

Stress management + Sleep hygiene

Learn about the Gut/brain axis, ways to reduce stress, and increase sleep quality and quantity.

Moving lymph/reducing inflammation

Learn techniques and applications that get your body moving and detoxing.

Weekly check-ins

Virtual chats with Coach Mindy to discuss each week's topics, keep accountability and answer questions.


custom Meal plan: $49

Want a month of recipes that are specific to your dietary needs? Request a customized meal plan! Complete with recipes, preparation instructions, and an itemized shopping list, this feature will make preparing healthy meals at home quick and easy. Call 586-422-1032 to sign up.